Canadian recovery plans need public comment

Thanks to Cathy Bacon for forwarding this notice regarding Canadian “action plans” for recovering the northern and southern resident killer whale populations. It will be interesting to see to what extent managing salmon (farmed or wild) for killer whales is mentioned in the plans… Discuss here and comment officially when you can!

> From: “XPAC Species at Risk”
> Date: January 18, 2012 11:35:42 AM PST
> Subject: Resident Killer Whale Action Planning process Consultations
> Microsoft Word PictureFisheries and Oceans Canada PĂȘches et OcĂ©ans Canada
> January 18, 2012
> Picture (Metafile)
> To: Stakeholders, Interested Individuals, and Organizations:
> Re: Northern and Southern Resident Killer Whale Action Planning process Consultations
> Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is pleased to invite you to participate in consultations on the development of the Northern and Southern Resident Killer Whale Action Plan. We are interested in your feedback as we develop and prioritize actions in support of recovery of Resident Killer Whale populations in Canadian Pacific waters.
> The Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada is required to develop a recovery strategy and action plan for all threatened or endangered aquatic species listed under the Species at Risk Act (SARA), and appreciates your input. Northern and Southern Resident Killer Whales are listed as Threatened and Endangered respectively, and a recovery strategy for these populations is posted on the SARA National Registry:
> If you would like to know more about the Northern and Southern Resident Killer Whale populations and how their recovery may affect you, or if you would like to provide comments on the draft actions supporting recovery of these populations, we will be conducting meetings during the month of February (open house from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm; public meeting from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm).
> February 2, 2012 Victoria, BC The Maritime Museum of BC
> February 9, 2012 Vancouver, BC Vancouver Maritime Museum
> February 23, 2012 Port Hardy, BC Quarterdeck Inn Marina Resort
> Please see for further information, or contact us directly at the numbers below.
> Sincerely,
> Sheila Thornton Paul Cottrell
> SARA Recovery Planner Marine Mammal Coordinator
> Fisheries and Oceans Canada Fisheries and Oceans Canada
> 200-401 Burrard Street 200-401 Burrard Street
> Vancouver, BC V6C 3S4 Vancouver, BC V6C 3S4
> Tel: 604-666-2043 Tel: 604-666-9965
> Fax: 604-666-3341 Fax: 604-666-3341

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