How to: share salmon or orca news

I’ve been enjoying using as a forum for sharing breaking news about southern residents, salmon, and related environment issues.  In the hopes of inspiring others to join me, this post is the first in a series that describe how I interact with the Orcasphere.  I’m even going to try screen-casting some demos!

At the very least, the Orcasphere is a place I can return to (or send my student to) when I’m trying to recall the details of that interesting talk or article through a sleep-deprived fog. The WordPress search window is always ready to help job my memory, as are my tags and categories…

At the very most, the Orcasphere could be a place where a team of like-minded conservationists aggregate news and information.  It’s really silly to all run the same searches, read the same papers, and go to the same talks and then each report separately about them on our respective web sites.  Through a collaborative site I’m sure we could still serve our audiences, but would all be more efficient, learn more, miss less, and have some time to discuss with each other the interesting bits that we gather.

Tools are emerging rapidly to streamline both aggregation of information and the dissemination of the results.  In future posts, I’ll compare blog facilitators I’m testing (Flock, scribefire, clipmarks, press it/this, posterous) and some nifty ways to embed posts within your web site (either the combined Orcasphere RSS feed, or just the RSS feed associated with a single Orcasphere category).

But for now, here is a quick screen-cast (my first!) that walks you through creating a new post.

One Response to How to: share salmon or orca news

  1. Great screencast!
    and I liked the fact that your sample post was in the dam removal category.

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